Inför Svenska Terrierklubbens domarkonferens i november 2008, där Irish Softcoated Wheaten Terrier var en av konferensraserna, hade SWTK tagit fram ett raskompendium med kommentarer. Kompendiet har tagits fram av Ingrid Olsen och Kickie Norrby med styrelsen och alla de uppfödare som deltog i uppfödarmöte hösten 2007 som ”bollplank”. Svenska Kennelklubben har sedan godkänt dokumentet i april 2008.
The Swedish Terrier Club arranges a breeders' conference every 3 years. In November 2008 the Irish softcoated wheaten terrier was one of the conferense breeds. The Swedish Wheaten Club has produced a breed compendium with comments. The compendium has been put together by Ingrid Olsen and Kickie Norrby with the assistance of the board of the breed club and the breeders who participated at a breeders' meeting in 2007. It has been approved by the Swedish kennel club, SKK, and has been printed in Swedish as well as in English.
I Sverige lyder vi under FCI. Vilket betyder att den rasstandarden som vi har att följa är rasens hemland Irlands.
Many countries around the world are under the FCI Breed Standard. That means it is the standard from the counrty of origin, Ireland.
There are a few countries who have their own standard, i.e. Great Briatain, USA and Australia.
Contact your Breed Club to learn to know the standard and the interpretation in your country.
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